The Brown Bear

HTML Learning Project, completed at

About Brown Bears

The brown bear (Ursus arctos) is native to parts of northern Eurasia and North America. Its conservation status is currently Least Concern.

There are many subspecies within the brown bear species, including the Atlas bear and the Himalayan brown bear.

Learn More


  1. Arctos
  2. Collarus
  3. Horribilis
  4. Nelsoni (extinct)


Brown bears are not always completely brown. Some can be reddish or yellowish. They have very large, curved claws and huge paws. Male brown bears are often 30% larger than female brown bears. They can range from 5 feet to 9 feet from head to toe.


Countries with Large Brown Bear Populations

  1. Russia
  2. United States
  3. Canada

Countries with Small Brown Bear Populations

Some countries with smaller brown bear populations include Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, China, Finland, France, Greece, India, Japan, Nepal, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.


Things I Learned

  1. Headings and sub-headings, h1 to h6 tags, are used to enlarge text.
  2. p, span and div tags specify text or blocks.
  3. The em and strong tags are used to emphasize text.
  4. Line breaks are created with the br tag.
  5. Ordered lists (ol) are numbered and unordered lists (ul) are bulleted.
  6. Images (img) and videos (video) can be added by linking to an existing source.
  7. Anchor tags (a) are used to link to internal pages, external pages or content on the same page.
  8. You can create sections on a webpage and jump to them using a tags and addings ids to the elements you wish to jump to.
  9. The nav element contains links to internal pages or content.
  10. More tags: link!