LAB Address

Current IP address of REDACTED (Machine currently LAB).
Last updated on: Sat 13 Apr 18:24:30 EDT 2019.
Usually accessible via


Current services/ports available:

  1. SSH to the machine with ssh -XC username@REDACTED
  2. FTP available through SSH port.
  3. HTTP port open, public website available.

Future plans for new services:

  1. Subsonic or plex servers for media streaming.
  2. MPD for music streaming/controlling music in room.
  3. SFTP server so I can reduce reliance on Google/Dropbox.
  4. CalDAV and Mail so I can reduce Google reliance.
  5. OwnCloud instance for mail/docs/cals.
  6. Potentially serve webpages?
  7. Mumble Server to replace Discord.
  8. Etherpad for easy collaboration.