
int main(void){
    printf("Hello, C!");
    return 0;

Table of Contents

  1. Why use C?
    1. Resources
  2. Installation
  3. Hello, World
  4. Pointers
  5. Unix System Calls
    1. Fork
    2. Pipe
    3. Exec

Why use C?

C is the backbone of Unix systems. That’s cool. Currently the only project I really have going in C is RML. The Operating Systems course uses C to teach about processes and threading.

Farily certain I just bombed an interview for IBM, so there’ll be a lot more added to this page in the coming weeks as I read Cracking the Coding Interview.


  1. The C Book
  2. C Elements of Style
  3. GNU C Programming Tutorial and Reference Manual
  4. Build your Own Lisp
  5. Writing Bug-Free C Code
  6. K&R C (Not a libre publication.)


To run C programs, it is best not to use an IDE. To get a feel for how things fit together, it is best to use the following tools:

Tool GNU/Linux Windows MacOS
Text Editor Gedit, Vim Notepad++ TextWrangler
Compiler gcc MinGW cc xcode cc

A debugger like GDB is also recommended.

Hello, World

Hello World is an excellent first example to demonstrate some key properties of C programs:


int main(int argc, char** argv){
  puts("Hello, World.");
	return 0;

Headers allow the use of functions from libraries.


The main function must be present in every .c file, and is the point where the program will begin to run.

int main(int argc, char** argv){

Puts is short for put string

puts("Hello, World.");

Return 0 indicates that no errors have occured, and that the program is finished running.

return 0;

C uses char*, a pointer to a list of characters with the final character being the null terminator.

puts("string"); is sufficient for most string-output.

printf("string %f", flt); - printf is required for inserting data into strings. Data can be represented in a variety of ways with % notation.


C allows the manual storage and manipulation of memory addresses. Using the pointer (*) and address (&) operators, a programmer can create programs that minimize copying, with heavy emphasis on modifying arrays in the memory in-place. This lower, more complex level of control enables faster algorithms and interesting hacks.

// A pointer is the same size as the type declared.
int y = 32;
int * yptr;
yptr = &y;

// Run:
y -> 32
*yptr -> 32
yptr -> A3BC3AF8

Unix System Calls


The fork() call can be used to split a running program into seperate processes. Calling fork() returns the PID of the child to the parent, and 0 to the child.


The pipe() call (which requires a int pipeinfo[2]; to point to,) creates a pipe that can be used to forward date to and from child or executed processes.


I’ve found the following very useful when I accidentally start a child process that I forget to kill:

ps -A | grep {name}
kill -9 {pid}

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