
if( prepared == true ){
    // Hm, this doesn't work in IE?
    console.log("Hello, JavaScript!");

Table of Contents

  1. Why use JavaScript?
  2. Resources
  3. ES6+ JavaScript
    1. Console Output
    2. Primitives
    3. Algebra
    4. Getting Properties
    5. Calling Built-in Methods
    6. Libraries
    7. Variables
    8. C-C-Combo Operators
    9. Control Flow
    10. Writing Functions
  4. Fat Arrow Notation
  5. Functional Programming in JavaScript
    1. Functions as Arguments
    2. Map
    3. Reduce
    4. Filter
    5. Some and Every
    6. Functional Programming in ES6
  6. Linters
  7. Asynchrony
    1. Promises
    2. Callbacks
    3. Async/Await
  8. Three.js
  9. Web Apps using Express and Socket.IO
    1. Express
    2. Socket.IO
  10. ReactJS Library
  11. React Native
  12. JQuery
    1. OWL Carousel
  13. NodeJS and MongoDB
  14. WebPack
  15. Web Storage
  16. Babel
  17. Alternative Modes
    1. Elm
    2. TypeScript
    3. ScalaJS
  18. Computer Graphics Programming
  19. GET ( Pull / Pulk Revolving Doors )

Why use JavaScript?

When I first began writing JavaScript, I mused: “Ah, JavaScript; I’ve had mixed feelings about it for years now. My negative feelings, for the most part, were resentment for what the modern web has become and the unnecessary strain on modern devices that is heavy website javascript. I generally feel that javascript should only be used for a small subset of things, and always trivial; using javascript for anything mission-critical or important is dangerous. I imagine that this is not entirely fair, so I’ve set out to learn the basics, then some, in order to become competent in what is currently a very popular language.” In a coin flip between Ruby and JavaScript, I chose to go with JavaScript knowing that the barrier to others viewing my neat experiments is much lower if the experiments could be viewed easily online.

Since that time, I’ve written a great deal of things in JavaScript, ranging from NodeJS servers, to games, to command line applications. It’s a very versatile language with an active developer community and, while not especially scalable, is a fantastic way to wade into computer programming. After becoming familiar with vanilla ES5 and ES6+ (aka pre and post-2015 JS, browser support is still standardized at ES5,) it is possible to wade into all sorts of alternative modes of working and thinking; you can attain better scalability and safety with TypeScript, build functional web applications with Elm, or spend time learning the immensely popular React to build Progressive Web Apps. More than anything else, remember that it is very easy to become overwhelmed; as developers, JavaScript has us spoiled for choice. There are a nearly infinite number of frameworks and working modes to learn, so if you are beginning, focus on the basics first: writing your own vanilla JavaScript, interacting with the Document Object Model, and using the built-in functions. Enjoy!

Because JavaScript borrows concepts and syntax idioms from several languages, including proud C-style procedural roots as well as subtle, less obvious Scheme/Lisp-style functional roots, it is exceedingly approachable to a broad audience of developers, even those with just little to no programming experience. The “Hello World” of JavaScript is so simple that the language is inviting and easy to get comfortable with in early exposure. …Therein lies the paradox of JavaScript, the Achilles’ Heel of the language, the challenge we are presently addressing. Because JavaScript can be used without understanding, the understanding of the language is often never attained. (Kyle)

JavaScript: If it can be done in another language, it should be done in another language. (Doug)

There are those who will say terrible things about the JavaScript language. Many of these things are true. (Eloquent JS, p.6)


  1. Eloquent JavaScript by Marijn Haverbeke.
  2. Mastering Modular JavaScript (ES6)
  3. You Don’t Know JS, Kyle Simpson
  4. CodeCademy Learn Javascript.

ES6+ JavaScript

JavaScript is the programming language of the web and beyond, with many popular frameworks for building user interfaces and web apps. JavaScript was originally included within Netscape Navigator in 1995 to add programs to webpages. I attempt to include a smattering of basics below; //> indicates output printed to the console, and in general, comments are inserted with // or /* xyz */ for longer multi-line notes.

Before we continue, I should clarify: Node.JS is a server-side implementation of Google’s V8 JavaScript engine. What this means for you, as a developer, is that you can write clever programs for the client (the user, plugging along in a browser,) and the server (handling client connections, processing and returning data) in one language. Nearly all of the code mentioned below will work on both the client and server.

Console Output

Useful for debugging and developer interaction, spitting data and text onto the command line is a great way to know if your script is actually functioning, or failed silently.

console.log("Hello, World!");
//> Hello, World!


Primitive Data Types include strings, numbers, booleans, null and undefined. Strings can be surrounded by single or double quotes. Numbers can be integers or floating point numbers. Booleans in JavaScript are true and false, and are explicitly lower-case. Null represents an empty value.

let aString = 'Javascript';
let aNumber = 33.7;
let aBoolean = true;
let aNullValue = null;
let anEmptyVariable; //Returns 'undefined'


Basic mathematical operators are + - * / %.

let x = (3 + 3) / 2; //Brackets
let x = 3 / 3; //Division
let x = 3 * 3; //Multiplication
let x = 3 + 3; //Addition
let x = 3 - 3; //Subtraction
let x = 3 % 3; //Modulus

Getting Properties

To get more information about a data instance, the properties of the object can be printed. For instance, strings have a length property.

console.log("Wow, a string!".length);
//> 14
let x = "Wow!"
//NOTE: Two ways to do string insertions:
console.log(x + ' is ' + x.length + ' characters in length.');
//> Wow! is 4 characters in length.
console.log(`${x} is  ${x.length} characters in length.`);
//> Wow! is 4 characters in length.

Calling Built-in Methods

Basic data instences in JavaScript inherit the methods of their prototype. Mozilla’s site documents these well. Here are the string prototype builtin methods.

console.log('  RCF-lab  '.toUpperCase()); //>     RCF-LAB
console.log('  RCF-lab  '.trim()); //> RCF-lab


Libraries contain methods that you can call without creating any instances.

//> true


Variables can be declared in JavaScript with let and const. Constant variables cannot be re-assigned, and will throw a TypeError if attempted. JavaScript conventions are similar to Java: variables begin lowercase, with each additional word capitalized. Variables are assigned with the = operator. If no data is assigned, the variable will store the value undefined. Don’t use ‘var’ in ES6.

const seaLevelAtSeaLevel = 0; //Cannot be changed.
let height = 182; //Modifiable.
let emptyVar; //Undefined.

C-C-Combo Operators

To prevent users fom writing variable = variable + 2;, JavaScript has the following built-in assignment operators: add +=, subtract -=, multiply *=, increment ++, and decrement --.

x *= 3; //Multiplies x by 3.
x++; //Increments x.

Control Flow

Control flow allows a program to selectively execute code, dependant on a boolean evaluation. The following can evaluate as false, and everything else is true: empty strings "" and '', 0 and -0, null, undefined, not a number NaN, and false. Comparative operators >, <, >=, <=, ==, !=, ! (prepended not) and === (equal value and type) can be used here. Boolean statements can be combined using and && or or ||.

IF/ELSE can be used to check basic boolean logic.

if ( value == "key" ) {
  //Evaluate if boolean is true, value equals the string "key".
} else if ( value == "lock" ) {
  //Evaluate if value equals "lock"
} else {
  //Evaluate if boolean is false. Value is something else.

SWITCH should be used if there are many different conditions.

switch (string.toLowerCase()) {
  case 'aardvark':
    console.log("An Aardvark appeared!");
  case 'bat':
    console.log("A bat appeared!");
  case 'canteloupe':
    console.log("A Canteloupe appeared!");
  default:  //AKA else. Runs if no cases are met.
    console.log("Object not recognized.");

TERNARY OP is a condensed if/else.

value > 3 ? runIfTrue("Hooray!") : runIfFalse("Goodbye.");
//Is the condensed version of the if/else statement below:
if (value > 3) {
} else {

FOR can iterate through lists of items and objects.

for (x = 0; x < list.length; x++) {
    console.log(`Entry ${x} contains ${list[x]}.`);

WHILE runs until the boolean condition is false.

let x = 0;
while (x <= 9000) { x++; }
console.log("X is over 9000!");

Writing Functions

A variable can store a function by setting it equal to () => { ... }.

const warning = () => {console.log("Look out!");}
//> Look out!

Parameters for the function can be placed in the brackets. (input) => { ... } Many parameters can be specified when separated by commas.

const addFour = (input) => {return input + 4 ;}
//> 9

Functions can also be more permanently declared:

function name (prams) {  code  }

Fat Arrow Notation

“Fat Arrow Notation” is simply a way of expressing functions more simply in JavaScript ES6. The rules are quite simple, and knowing how to read arrow functions can dramatically simplify your programs. This is what a normal function looks like expressed as a verbose function, and simpler fat arrow functions:

// Verbose function syntax:
function increment_a ( x ) {
  return x+1

// Store a verbose function as a const:
const increment_b = function ( x ) {
  return x+1

// Fat arrow complex:
const increment_c = ( x ) => {
  return x + 1

// Fat arrow simple:
const increment_d = x => x + 1

// All of these can be called in an identical manner: increment_*( x )

Herein lies the power of simplified functions: it makes it far simpler to pass functions as arguments, as x => x+1 could be used in many ways.

Note: below this point, different function notation will be used where it is relevant. Creating a function is best suited to call-anywhere, large functions, whereas arrow functions are best used embedded or for small stateless operations.

Functional Programming in JavaScript

Currently, the richest library of functional-programming methods is LoDash. Using ES6 arrow functions to clearly pass functions as arguments, and functional paradigms, it is possible to write very functional code in JS.

The latest version of Javascript now has builtin map, reduce, filter, and other functional methods. LoDash is not strictly required.

To begin, import LoDash:

const _ = require('lodash')

Functions as Arguments

Functions can be manipulated in JS through a variety of means, though not all are recommended and some reduce readability. The most useful way to utilize functions stored as variables is to pass them as arguments. Two important things to know before proceeding:

  1. Adding () to a function transforms it into it’s return value.
  2. Use const to avoid state change/ mutable data.
// Simple function that simply runs another function:
const runfunction = function (x, func) {
  return func(x)


Applies an operation to every item in an array.



Some and Every

Functional Programming in ES6

Many of the functions present in LoDash have been implemented in the core library of ES6, meaning you usually won’t have to import LoDash. Map, reduce and filter all have solid implementations now.


I enjoy using the Standard linter because of its popularity. Running standard --fix *.js cleans the JS I write up nicely, and I’ve never had problems with execution afterwards. --fix does assume you are writing ES6 primarily for NodeJS, and transpiling if you need it to run in a browser.



  1. Essay on Callbacks
  2. Async/Await Tutorial
  3. Learn Promises Before Async/Await
  4. Async Map in JavaScript






  1. Running game and production walkthrough.
  2. ES6/Webpack/ThreeJS starter kit.
  3. Gyro controls A B

Web Apps using Express and Socket.IO

Research completed when building Socket-IO-Trivia-App.

Express is a web application framework.

Socket.IO is an event-based communication framework.

Combined, these two Node libraries enable the expedited construction of fantastic web applications.


With NPM installed, Express installation is as simple as npm i express. It can be used to assemble game backends, APIs, serve full progressive web applications, and more.

Using the express-generator package is fantastic. It enables the quick creation of a project with the CSS compiler and templating engine of your choice. Read more here: express-generator. My default is express --pug --css sass.


First, take a quick walk through the simple and effective tutorial on the Socket.IO homepage.

ReactJS Library

Before jumping into react, read this and consider using a lightweight webapp framework like Mithril.

ReactJS is a Javascript library for building web user interfaces. To learn the basics, I read the tutorial on

React Native

Allows users to build compile-to-native mobile apps in javascript.


NodeJS and MongoDB

After installing MongoDB and loading Mongo sample ZIP into the database, (or another from this repo,)


Nothing yet.

Web Storage

When writing client-side javascript, you’ll usually have the option to store data in the sessionStorage or localStorage objects. With both, you can call setItem and getItem methods. Session storage is cleared after a tab is closed.



Babel, an ES6 to ES5 compiler (termed transpiler by some,) is a tool for ensuring modern JavaScript code does not confuse older browsers by converting modern (Post-2015) JavaScript to a backwards-compatible version.

For context, I feel I should include the ESV bible verse after which the project is named. The Babel Fish, a creature from Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy that performs instant translations, also derives its name from this text.

Genesis 11:1-9 English Standard Version (ESV)

Now the whole earth had one language and the same words. And as people migrated from the east, they found a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there. And they said to one another, “Come, let us make bricks, and burn them thoroughly.” And they had brick for stone, and bitumen for mortar. Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be dispersed over the face of the whole earth.” And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of man had built. And the Lord said, “Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this is only the beginning of what they will do. And nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and there confuse their language, so that they may not understand one another’s speech.” So the Lord dispersed them from there over the face of all the earth, and they left off building the city. Therefore its name was called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth. And from there the Lord dispersed them over the face of all the earth.

Alternative Modes

Various languages enable developers to work in a higher-productivity environment and output vanilla javascript for their web applictions. TypeScript provides many of the comforts of C# for JavaScript developers, and Elm is a functional language for creating sites and web apps.



See the Elm docs.



See TypeScript in 5 minutes.


See Scala Manual.

Computer Graphics Programming

Gabriel Gambetta - Computer Graphics from Scratch

GET ( Pull / Pulk Revolving Doors )

// Map

// Reduce
const accumulate = (arr) => arr.reduce( (acc, x) => acc+=x, 0);

// Filter

// Some & Every

function getTopicCount(topic) {
    const https = require('https');
    const wiki = https.get(
        (res) => {
            const response_array = [];
            res.on('data', (x) => {
            }).on('end', () => {
                console.log((response_array.join('').match(new RegExp(topic, 'g')) || []).length);
            }).on('error', (err) => {
                console.log(`ERR -> wiki -> res\n${err}`);
    ).on('error', (err) => {
        console.log(`ERR -> wiki \n${err}`);
const { createReadStream, createWriteStream } = require('fs');
const { createInterface } = require('readline');
const stream = require('stream');

function main() {
    // read the string filename
    const filename = readLine();
    const matchobj = {};
    const file = createInterface({ input: createReadStream(`${__dirname}/${filename}`) });
    const outfile = createWriteStream(`${__dirname}/req_${filename}`);

        .on('line', (l) => {
            const timestamp = l.match(/\[.*\]/);
            (timestamp in matchobj) ? matchobj[timestamp] += 1 : matchobj[timestamp] = 1;
        .on('close', () => {
            const keys_matchobj = Object.keys(matchobj);
            const len_matchobj = keys_matchobj.length;
            const output = [];
            for (let y = 0; y < len_matchobj; y++) {
                if (matchobj[keys_matchobj[y]] > 1) {
                    output.push(keys_matchobj[y].substring(1, 21));
            output.forEach(x => outfile.write(x.concat('\n')));
function mergeStrings(a, b) {
    const len_a = a.length;
    const len_b = b.length;
    const a_greaterthan_b = len_a > len_b;
    const a_equalto_b = len_a === len_b;
    const shortest_str = a_greaterthan_b ? len_b : len_a;
    const ans = [];

    let x = 0;
    for (x; x < shortest_str; x++) {

    if (!a_equalto_b) {
        ans.push((a_greaterthan_b ? a : b).substring(x));

    return ans.join('');

CC BY-SA 4.0 - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. You are free to share, redistribute and adapt the material as long as appropriate credit is given, and your contributions are distributed under the same license.