Jekyll Setup 02
This post is mostly going to be markdown tests, along with some thoughts on my future career moves and how I’m going to deal with my persistent brain fog. I really want to see how headers and code work with different css colors and page fonts.
I’ll be using this markdown quick reference, along with other sites. There are included at the bottom of this post.1
So, this should look like code: ‘this is code. print(“test”)’
This is python in a block:
print("Hello, Github.")
This is ruby in a block:
puts "Hello, Github."
This is java in a block:
public class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello, Github.");
little title
A title :A name given to a body of work, which often descibes the content.
This should expand as an abbreviation: [GNU]: Gnu’s not Unix.
Stack overflow, lifehacker, the fsf and daringfireball’s pages. ↩