Soldiers on the move, in the desert!

Continuing development on my game. You can download the latest release here: BattleCommander.jar

It’s still much more an experiment than an actual game right now, but here’s a short list of what I’ve implemented, and plan to implement in my next release:

Current release, Alpha 0.1.1:

  • New desert map!
  • Movement sounds!
  • Prevents new orders until current ones are complete.
  • Extremely basic movement and ‘running’ sprite.
  • Pan around map with arrows.

Next Alpha 0.2.0 targets:

  • Separately select-able units.
  • Animated running and standing soldier poses.
  • Basic combat.
  • Cursor that is context-aware.

As this is an experiment, my code is spaghetti. I’ll be rewriting the soldier class many times during the duration of this experiment. Hell, I’ve already re-written three times.

The current state of my SUPER COMPLEX movement system:

    public boolean touchUp(  variables...  ) {
    	Vector3 i = new Vector3(screenX,screenY,0);
    	Vector3 j = cam.unproject(i);

This moves three soldiers to stand along a vector connecting 0,0 and the click location. Each soldier stands at a respective third of the length. My next research topic is getting the code to recognize when a unit is being clicked, and actions after that.

I spent most of today downtown, learning more C. Hopefully I’ll be able to push more changes this coming week. Enjoy the two literal seconds of playtime the game has to offer right now!
