LibGDX Experiment: Battle Commander Part 03
Though it does not reflect the current build, you can download the last stable BCOM concept here: BattleCommander.jar
I ran into some trouble that I couldn’t solve. So, instead of trying to restructure my code to accomodate a new extends, I’ve decided to scrap my work and restart from square one.
Scene2D seems like a very logical next step, as it will make the creation/implementation of unit heirarchies, hit detection, and input much easier.
Q: “But Ryan, your units already extend ACTOR, part of Scene2D!”
A: Yes, they do. But I implemented a lot of things that didn’t need to be there had I known about Scene2D. I still get to keep all my art assets, so rebuilding from the ground up seems like a better plan.
The current state of BCOM:
…after half an hour of new development. Still gotta instantiate my Tiled map.